A New Chapter

It really is a new chapter for Clinical Athlete, and we could not be more excited to share with you!  Quinn Henoch and Zak Gabor dive deep into Clinical Athlete’s history, what we’ve been working on over the last couple of years, and what the future holds for this amazing community.

It’s been a wild ride, but we’re just getting started! Enjoy the show.

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Episode 102: All Strength is NOT Created Equal

This show is a recording of a CALU Journal Club that I led, on a paper titled: “Strength Classification and Diagnosis: Not All Strength Is Created Equal” (James et al 2022). During this Journal Club, we discussed all things strength classifications and the measurement and application of strength.

We hope you enjoy!

The Paper we discussed:

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Episode 101: Improve Your Return to Sport Decision Making

This show is a recording of a CALU Journal Club that we led on a paper titled: A Framework for Clinicians to Improve The Decision-Making Process in Return to Sport.

We loveee us some frameworks and we loveee discussing the idea of creating a clinical process and we all want to become more comfortable making return-to-sport decisions in the face of uncertainty.  This was a great discussion to help with all of that with an awesome group of CALU peeps. We hope you enjoy!

The Paper we discussed:

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Episode 100: The Truth about Injury “Prevention” with Franco Impellizzeri

It’s Episode 100!! One of our favorite people, Franco Impellizzeri and his team came out with a new paper titled, “Prevention versus risk reduction or mitigation, Why Create Uneccesary Battles?“.  And if you remember Franco from our Training Load episode way back in 2019, then you know we had to get him on again to talk about that paper and the misconceptions around the term injury “prevention”.  We hope you enjoy

Franco’s Paper:

Franco’s contact:
IG: @impellizzerifrancom
Twitter: @francoimpell

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Episode 99: Clinical Files: A Runner With Hip Pain

On this show, Steph Allen shares a case that she had, working with a avid trail runner with hip pain. It was a great discussion of her overall thought process and plan of care, along with some pearls of wisdom for managing set back and expectations for any athlete.

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Episode 98: CALU Foundations 2.0

This is a special show.  I’m sitting down with my dear friend and Co-Founder of CALU and The Level Up Initiative, Zak Gabor, and we are talking about something really special that we have cooking for 2023 – CALU Foundations 2.0.  Which is a course that’s going to be your solution for all things exercise prescription, with the CALU vibe.  Overall, we’re just really excited with where this Community is headed, and we wanted to share what’s going down, so you can take the ride with us.

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Episode 97: Coach’s Corner

Title: Episode 97: Coach’s Corner

We’re back!  

It’s been a while but the ClinicalAthlete Podcast is coming back strong with a Coach’s Corner episode!

On this one, Quinn Henoch takes us through his training program with the principles that guide his decision-making. 

If you’re a coach, clinician, or athlete who geeks out on programming, this one is for you!

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Episode 96: All Things Hip With Joanne Kemp

On this episode we dive into the following topics with Joanne Kemp:

  1. Outcomes of hip arthroscopies for labral tears and FAI
  2. Statistics of hip pathologies in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals 
  3. Importance of non-operative management and best practices for physio-led treatment of hip pain
  4. Thoughts about if diagnosing the exact pathology causing the hip pain even matters

Joanne Kemp, master of the hip, sports physiotherapist of 25+ years based in Australia, is currently participating in research for women’s sports and lower extremities out of La Trobe University. Her focus is around hip pain and FAI, she previously completed her PhD looking at hip arthroscopic surgery, what their outcomes were and how physiotherapists could change these outcomes. Currently, she is focusing on optimizing the non-operative plan for FAI at this time. On top of all of this greatness, she is still treating patients in the clinic with a focus of hip pain across the lifespan. 

If you are a student, clinician, or strength and conditioning coach wondering how to best educate your clientele about their hip pain and best program your patients- this episode is a must listen. 

For the future- Joanne has been running a large clinical trial for the last 3-4 years, a PhysioFirst study regarding what is best exercises and physio-led treatment for those with FAI. Keep your eyes peeled in 2022 for the results and discussion! 

Connect with Joanne:

Twitter: @joannelkemp
Email: j.kemp@latrobe.edu.au
GoogleScholar and ResearchGate page
La Trobe Sport and Medicine Research Center blog 

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Find a ClinicalAthlete Provider and learn more about Athlete Health & Performance at https://www.clinicalathlete.com

Audio production by John Summerford

Episode 95: CALU Plus

During this special episode, Quinn Henoch and Zak Gabor are talking about some significant upcoming changes to the ClinicalAthlete Forum.  After 6 years, we’ve reached a crossroads, and with the growth of CALU, it’s time for a change.  

We’ll take you through a history of the ClinicaAthlete Forum, what made it awesome and where it fell short; and introduce you to what’s to come.  We’re so excited about this next chapter in CALU’s evolution, and can’t wait to share with you!

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Audio Production by John Summerford

Episode 94: The Student Shenanigans with Andrew Gillihan

Welcome back to the ClinicalAthlete Student Shenanigans!

On this week’s episode, we have Andrew Gillihan with a background of a Master’s in Kinesiology and Behavioral Sciences and is now a current DPT student with a heavy interest in men’s pelvic floor and tactical athletes.

Are you in a PT or chiropractic program and feeling like you’re not treated like an adult and being forced to treat your professors as superiors that can affect the relationships and environment that you are learning in? Maybe you feel like these programs are too focused on the Board exams and not enough on the best and newest research and expectations of being in the “real-world”? 

If you are  a member of Clinical Athlete or Level Up, you are most likely a progressive thinker and find yourself extremely frustrated with the quality of most of these programs. Maybe even frustrated with some of your peers. Andrew and the CA Student Shenanigans crew dive into some of these common frustrations and ideas of how to gain the respect of your peers, professors and to start making a change in these programs. 

The team also dives into Andrew’s interest and his own business, Stoic Physical Therapy, that is built on stoicism and being a good human. He has started with the HoneyBadger Project and is serving veterans and military members, focusing on health, healing and wellness and diving into pelvic health within this population. 

Happy listening! 

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Find a ClinicalAthlete Provider and learn more about Athlete Health & Performance at https://www.clinicalathlete.com

Audio edited by John Summerford