Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 50: Kickass Rehab For Female Athletes with Ellie Somers, DPT

We welcome onto the show, Ellie Somers, DPT. Ellie is the owner and head SheWolf for Sisu Sports Performance & PT in Seattle, WA, where she works to foster female athlete development before, during, and after injury.
On this episode, we talk with Ellie about those very things – how to get female athletes comfortable with lifting, special considerations when managing the rehab or training of the female athlete, and a lot more. Enjoy the show!

Follow Ellie on IG: @drelliesomers and @sisu.seattle

Ellie’s website:

Ellie’s email:

You can find other resources on athlete health and performance posted on the ClinicalAthlete website for free, inside of the ClinicalAthlete Forum, at our courses, and through ClinicalAthlete Coaching!

Episode 49: Case Study: Powerlifter with Hip Pain

We’re back with the first installment of our case study series! In this episode, we discuss an athlete of John Flagg, who’s been dealing with hip pain during back squatting. We talk about how they managed the injury, in order to get the athlete back to performance!

Want to learn more about training and treating Barbell athletes?

You can find resources posted on the ClinicalAthlete website for free, inside of the ClinicalAthlete Forum, at our Barbell courses, and through ClinicalAthlete Coaching!

Episode 48: Training & Treatment of The Barbell Athlete

The ClinicalAthlete crew is back! In this episode, we tackle the training and treatment needs of Barbell athletes. What are the key principles for sustainable training? How can the lifter be involved in the training process? How do we best manage injuries with these athletes, and what should clinicians be focusing on? We discuss these things and more!

Want to learn more about training and treating Barbell athletes?

You can find resources posted on the ClinicalAthlete website for free, within the ClinicalAthlete Forum, at our Barbell courses, and through ClinicalAthlete Coaching!

Episode 47: Student Series: Staying Up To Date on The Literature with Nate Wong, SPT

Keeping up with all the research that comes out can be a daunting task. What are some useful strategies to help? How do we make the information “stick”? Is it normal to feel overwhelmed or to have trouble retaining what you read? Is social media a good thing for education? We discuss these things and more with input from a student’s perspective, with student Physical Therapist Nate Wong!

For other students wanting to connect with Nate:
Instagram: @thatonedood7
Twitter: @alliseeisgolf

Here are some resources to search for research:
Google Scholar

You can also find research for athlete health and performance posted on the ClinicalAthlete website for free, and within the ClinicalAthlete Forum!

Episode 46: Reconditioning The Injured Athlete: Principles > Methods with Jarred Boyd

Why is it important to understand rehab and training principles rather than memorizing methods? What are the important principles, and how do we implement them during the rehab process? We discuss these things and much more with Physical Therapist and Strength & Conditioning coach Jarred Boyd.

Follow Jarred Boyd on Instagram: @dr.jfitboyd

Learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 45: Reconciling Biomechanics with Pain Science with Greg Lehman

Awareness of the ‘science of pain’ seems to have increased over the last several years (a good thing!). With the understanding that “psychosocial” factors may play a role in the experience of pain, what role does biomechanics play? Do biomechanics matter in terms of managing the pain experience for our athletes? If so, how and when? We discuss these things and more with internationally recognized clinician and educator, Greg Lehman.

Check out Greg’s website for FREE educational downloads, awesome blogs, and his course schedule:

Follow Greg on Twitter: @greglehman
Follow Greg on Instagram: @greglehman

Follow Greg on Facebook:

Episode 44: Injuries in Powerlifting: Crunching The Numbers with Andrew Patton

How prevalent are injuries in powerlifting? Is there a difference between male and female? Does having a pre-existing training limitation increase your risk of injury? Are there other risk factors to consider? We ask these questions and discuss the answers with PhD candidate Andrew Patton, as he dissects his longitudinal study on powerlifting injures.

Follow Andrew Patton on Twitter: @anpatt7
Follow Andrew Patton on Instagram: @theapg7

Links to the articles we discussed in the show:
Part 1:
Part 2:

Learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 43: Pain: Moving Beyond The BioPsychoSocial Model

The biopsychosocial model is currently the gold standard with which we understand pain. However, are there limitations? Is it being misinterpreted? How can we continue to improve upon it, and further our understanding of the complexity of pain?
In this episode, we are joined by pain researchers Peter Stilwell and Katherine Harman, to discuss their recent paper, titled: “An Enactive Approach To Pain: Beyond The Biopsychosocial Model”. This was a thought provoking discussion about the questions above, and much more.

Here is Peter and Katherine’s paper:
Here is a free (view only) version:

Peter’s Twitter: @Peter_Stilwell
Peter’s website:
Peter’s Google Scholar citations:
Peter’s ResearchGate:

Katherine’s Twitter: @KatherineHarman
Katherine’s ResearchGate:

Learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 42: The Rise of the Masters Athlete: Redefining what it means to be “older” with Christina Prevett

Is training and rehab for our Masters athletes really that much different? What are the common misconceptions and legitimate considerations when working with our older athletes? We welcome Christina Prevett, MScPT, PhD(c) onto the show to discuss these topics and more!

Follow Christina on Instagram:

Learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 41: Treating & Training The Endurance Athlete with Danielle Adler Kroot

What are the important first steps for the beginner endurance athlete? How much do running biomechanics matter for performance and injury? How does one go about educating the hard-charging endurance athlete on altering their habits? We discuss these things and much more with Physical Therapist and endurance athlete Danielle Adler Kroot.

Follow Danielle on Instagram @runfitdoc

Check out Danielle’s website:

Learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community: