Episode 68: Coach’s Corner – Managing Recurring Injury Flare Ups

The anticipation has been killing you guys, hasn’t it? The long awaited “Part 2” to the Coaches Corner series is here! It’s like the original Star Wars trilogy, minus the billion dollar budget.
On this episode the Clinical Athlete Crew dives into Jared’s case study! We drop some knowledge bombs on managing injury flare ups and the communication that needs to be had with athletes surrounding that process. Stay tuned for Part 3!
Connect with the ClinicalAthlete Crew on Instagram:
Taylor: @taylorallenflanick
Quinn: @quinn.henochdpt
John: @rebuildstrongeronline
Jared: @jaredmaynard_pt
Find a ClinicalAthlete Provider and learn more about Athlete Health & Performance at https://www.clinicalathlete.com
Produced by John Summerford