Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 18: Q&A Series #2 with Steph Allen

In this episode, we answer questions from the ClinicalAthlete Community with special guest Steph Allen, DPT!
– 7:00: Compliance & fear avoidance with ACL rehab
– 16:06: Using the objective measures learned in school
– 27:22: Applying acute:chronic workload ratios to barbell sports
– 40:09: Residencies – are they worth it?
– 47:14: Advice to new grads making a 5-year plan
Follow Steph on Instagram @stephallen.dpt
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Episode 17: Q&A Series #1

In this episode, we answer questions from the ClinicalAthlete Community!
– 2:24: Management of DOMS
– 11:30: Learning about integrating S&C into rehab
– 21:25: Tempo work and overuse injuries
– 30:00: Specificity of diagnoses and documentation
– 44:45: Approaching professors about curriculum
To learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 16: K.I.S.S. Simplifying The Shoulder with Adam Meakins

Why must we overcomplicate things? In this episode, we welcome Physiotherapist and strength and conditioning specialist, Adam Meakins, onto the show to discuss management of shoulder injuries (and other topics) in a simple, practical way.
Adam’s blog:

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Episode 15: Developing Your Comeback Plan After Injury with Dr. Mike Israetel

In this episode, we welcome co-founder and Chief Sport Scientist of Renaissance Periodization, Dr. Mike Israetel, onto the show to discuss how to program your strength training when coming back from an injury. 

To learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 14: Gender Differences in Resistance Training with Greg Nuckols

In this episode, we welcome strength coach and science aficionado Greg Nuckols onto the show. Greg discusses the similarities & differences between men and women regarding their responses to resistance training, based on fundamental physiology and a comprehensive overview of the scientific literature.

Greg’s blog:

Greg’s monthly research review:

To learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 13: Thawing The Narrative of ‘Frozen Shoulder’ with Jarod Hall

What is Frozen Shoulder and how do we manage it?

In this episode, we welcome Jarod Hall, DPT onto the podcast to answer these questions and to discuss:

– the importance of the subjective exam
– the impact of placebo & nocebo on these patients
– pain neuroscience education as a whole
– therapeutic exercise treatment for the frozen shoulder

Follow Jarod on IG:

To learn more about the ClinicalAthlete Community:

Episode 12: Urinary Incontinence in Athletes: The common, but not commonly talked about dilemma

In this episode, we are joined by Meryl Alappattu, DPT, PhD to discuss current evidence and management of urinary incontinence.

– How common is it, and why isn’t it talked about more?
– Evidence-based treatment
– Considerations for athletes
– Resources and referral systems

Connect with Dr. Meryl Alappattu:
Meryl’s Univ of FL contact page:
APTA section on Women’s Health:
Girls Gone Strong:


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Episode 11: (In)effectiveness of Knee Scopes: When Sounding Good Isn’t Good Enough

Arthroscopic knee surgery is common, but is it warranted? Today we are joined by Sydney-based Orthopedic surgeon and researcher, Dr. Ian Harris.

Dr. Harris discusses the evidence-practice gap regarding the use of arthroscopic knee surgery and provides insight into how we can improve the system. We discuss one of Dr. Harris’ research papers – in which there was a strong recommendation AGAINST the use of arthroscopy in nearly all patients with degenerative knee disease.

Link to Paper:

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Episode 10: Knee Valgus: Much About Nothing?

What is knee valgus? When is it a mechanism of injury and when is it not? Does it matter in the squat? In this episode, we welcome Sam Spinelli, DPT to discuss these questions and more.

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, check out Sam’s ClinicalAthlete Webinar at:

Episode 9: Practical Periodization with Scot Morrison

How do we define and track “load” with progressive rehab? How do we organize the rehab plan while managing other athlete stressors?

In this episode of the ClinicalAthlete Podcast, we welcome Scot Morrison onto the show to discuss these topics, as well as:

-When is it better to strive for “good enough” rather than “optimal”
-Examples of feedback loops and metrics to track in order to keep the rehab plan on track
-Frequency of loading
-Loading tests for patients to gauge daily progress with tendinopathy
-Issues with exercise dosage in current rehab practices
-Issues with “predictive” models

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, check out Scot’s ClinicalAthlete Webinar at:

Scot’s Instagram:
Scot’s Website: